File for Civic News: Â Â RyeBOSrclNotes102615revBfinal
- Selectman Jenness related her experience at the recent Rising Tides Conference, and pushed for more action and citizen involvement. More Detail
- Initial proposal for Fire Department consolidation with Portsmouth was presented. Discussions will continue. More Detail
- Parsons Creek Watershed bacteria contamination source investigation has been inconclusive thus far, but levels are extremely high. A $79,000 warrant article may be proposed to investigate community septic systems in the watershed. More Detail
- Discussion of the budget for the Town Clerk’s Saturday office hours included Selectman Mills berating a Town employee, threatening the other Selectmen and acknowledging that he had made a personal promise to a resident to reduce the hours. More Detail
- The position of Finance Assistant Sue Dunfey has been eliminated, but no mention was made of whether this would reduce Town Hall space requirements. More Detail