RCL Video: Â https://vimeo.com/177591695
Time Stamps:
0:23 elapsed: Â Representative from engineering firm, Wright Pierce reports on the status of various projects.
0:40 elapsed: Â Parsons Rd. water main replacement.
0:56 elapsed: Â Rate study (i.e. allocation of costs between taxes and water rates)
6:18 elapsed: Â Master Plan and Capital Improvement Plan. Â Pump house at Garland Well is the first near term. Â Discussion of delaying other projects.
7:00 elapsed: Â Garland Pump House project discussion.
12:50 elapsed: Â More discussion on rate study.
13:48 elapsed: Â Discussion of retained funds associated with $3.4 million Route 1A main replacement approved by voters in 2013. Â Contractor Hugo Key has gone bankrupt. Â Last month, the assets were sold and operations resumed, with the same people, under the name Key Construction. Â One of the Commissioners referred to this as “different circus, same clowns.” Â A Water District employee referred to this as “quite a job.”
16:35 elapsed: Â Hampton (i.e. Aquarion) interconnection discussion. Â This will initially be temporary, but may evolve into something more permanent.
21:05 elapsed: Â Discussion of legislative push to get everyone located near the Coakley Landfill on public water to prevent migration of the plume as a result of water withdrawals from wells. Â Discussion of whether the water should come from the Rye Water District (via the Portsmouth Water Department) or Aquarion.
27:37 elapsed: Â More discussion on rate structure.
29:42 elapsed: Â Discussion of whether billing frequency should be increased to monthly, as automated reading would make this possible. Â This would allow leaks to be identified more quickly. Â There are also cash flow implications.
35:45 elapsed: Â Superintendent’s monthly report. Â Water usage is up (apparently due to drought and watering). Â Well levels are low, but not dangerously so. Â The Garland well is at 19 feet, 20 feet when not pumping, compared to a prior low of 16.5 feet. Â The other, bedrock, wells are pumping low. Â Residents observed watering in the hot sun are being approached and asked to water at other times.
56:25 elapsed: Â Lengthy discussion with two representatives of the insurer regarding health care insurance options for the three employees receiving benefits. Â The existing plan will not be offered next year so the Water District will need to choose a new one.
148:16 elapsed: Â Treasurer’s Report and discussion of cash flow.
159:45 elapsed: Â Town Planning and Zoning issues discussed, including:
1. Â Marjorie Way amendment relating to stone wall approved by Planning Board contingent upon Water District confirmation that it will not affect water quality.
2. Â (164:48 elapsed). Â Discussion of new South Rd. development. Â Very preliminary at this point. Â Discussion so far has focused on water runoff, water flows and ledge blasting.
166:55 elapsed: Â Drought is expected to last into the fall. Â The State has a mechanism for drought management. Â Pilot program to share water with Portsmouth is on hold, pending significant rainfall.
169:20 elapsed: Â Minor injury to employee Arik discussed.
171:18 elapsed: Â Discussion of issues with the N.H. Department of Revenue Administration. Â Donna Decotis has completed the minutes of the Annual Meeting, which was lengthy. Â Copies will be e-mailed to the Commissioners for review.
152:10 elapsed: Â Discussion of issues from the audit and three policy issues raised. Â These are asserted to be old issues which have already been resolved.
174:15 elapsed: Â The Commissioners will be keeping an eye on the water issue for properties around the Coakley Landfill.
175:51 elapsed: Â Adjournment.