Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

Conservation Commission April 12, 2018 RCL notes

    1. 14 Fairhill Ave. Tax Map 20.2 Lot 144 Lot size 7,885 sq.ft

Owners: John and Elaine Lampron
Applicant Gary Densen
Attorney DTC Lawyers
Proposed new 32×26’ 3 BR and 16×22’ new garage, new septic, move waterline

Town GIS Map: Click on lot Number:

Setback of the building to wetlands currently is 20.5 feet with no 75 foot buffer. New home will have 15.4% vs 15.5% coverage. Setback to wetlands will be about the same at 21 feet whereas the ordinance set back is 75 feet. Garage is 16.8 feet to property setback line. New garage is to be at 17.6 feet from property line. Existing septic tank and leach field is essentially at water table and close to wetland. It will be moved to front. Impervious driveway run off will go into a crushed stone swale. Grading in rear at 13.6’, wetlands at 12’. A site walk will be scheduled

  1. NHDES Shoreland
    1021 Ocean Blvd, Tax Map 202 Lot 131
    Lot size 6,877 sq.ft.
    Owners; James K. and Penelope Shepperd
    Ambit Engineering – Steve Riker
    Temporary and permanent impacts within the 250’ Protected Shoreline – new entry way, deck and patio

Town GIS Map: Click on lot Number

Not in purview of Conservation Commission as it is within the 250’ Protected Shoreline.

  1. 261 Central Road, Tax Map 8 Lot 010 Lot size 1.43 acres

Owner: Outdoor Pride, Mike Aquilino Jim Holway electrician
for a generator

Town GIS Map: Click on lot Number

A site walk was scheduled.

Almost all of the property is within the Aquifer Protection District and also has a stream through it. A site walk was scheduled for April 12th.


35 Recreation Road, Tax Map 012 Lot 083

A letter was written regarding discrepancies


Planned for May.

To view the locations below on the Town GIS Mapping System CLICK HERE.  Enter address in blue “Search†tab top left. Use “Layers†tab top left to add detail such as NWI Wetlands Mapping, Flood Plain, Aquifer Protection District. All details including tax card are available via this system.

  1. 245 Pioneer, Tax Map 024 Lot 118
  2. 335 Washington Road, Tax Map 016 Lot 122
  3. 243 Parsons, Tax Map 19 Lot 103
  4. 25 Appledore, Tax map 19.4 Lot 52
  5. 5 Libbey Lane, Tax Map 16 Lot 162-3
  6. 45 Washington Road, Tax Map 017 Lot 073
  7. 60 Park Ridge, Tax Map 19.4 Lot 17


Two new farmers will be at Goss Farm. Taylor Weiss (sp.) is experienced in trail work, Food Corps teaching schoolchildren to grow food, farmed in Maine and Western Mass. Julia Jones farming started in 4H and studied sustainable food and economics. She was a banke and has worked at Kitchen Garden Farm, a large 60-acre Western Mass organic farm, as a business manager dealing with large accounts and CSA.  They are not planning on selling in farmer markets but to local markets and restaurants.

They are going to expand field plowing with a spring cover crop of oats and peas as soil will initially be chunky. The school fields will be roto tilled.  The existing greenhouse will be more production and intensively used as it has underutilized capacity. Greens, cold frame tomatoes, and cucumbers will be grown. They will do a good will clean up of area and will plant some wildflowers. They will sell tomatoes but the goal is grow and sell herbs such as cilantro, parsley, and dill as well as more perennial herbs such as rosemary and sage as these are low input high margin.

A four-year lease with a component (not stated) of work in kind has been worked out.  They will be calling it Night Farm with email [email protected]


DES storm repairs are expedited.  After recent storms the following for seawall or steps were authorized  to be completed per the permits by May 12. Permits issued include the following properties:

2320 Ocean Blvd, 175 Harbor Road, 50 Old Beach Road, 2316 Ocean Blvd

Abutter notifications with Conservation Commission as an abutter

These notifications can often be problematic to be commented at hearings on a timely fashion at other boards (ZBA, Planning, etc..) as they are received by mail. These notifications should be distributed to members to see who can attend. A new way to scan and distribute in a more timely fashion is being considered.

Recent notifications with CON COMM as an abutter include:

  1. Robert Goss across from Goss Farm, 5 lot subdivision. There was a brief discussion of variances fill, frontage, lot size,
  2. Lafayette Road and pesticides storage
  3. 961 Washington Road
  4. Multi apartment dwelling.
  5. Reconstruction of shale berm at Sawyers Beach.
  6. Verizon tower on Brackett Road
  7. 140 Harbor Road It was also discussed that a neighbor also wrote to say the shed which was locked when the site walk occurred and was in fact used as a privy.


More dog poop bags and dispensers were ordered $384.75


Work is being done on creating online maps of trails maintained by Conservation Commission. A history of the Seavey property is being prepared. Discussion of hunting and notifying the public via signs where it is allowed and restrictions was discussed. Members have gone to a seminar by Fish and Wildlife on how to plan trails around sensitive wildlife areas.

Rye has a very healthy deer population and heavy harvesting but population is estimated at 46% more than ideal.

There was a discussion of the wording of new signs for dog leash on and off areas as well as hunting signs. Proposed working was not read in public.


To view the locations below on the Town GIS Mapping System CLICK HERE.  Enter address in blue “Search†tab top left. Use “Layers†tab top left to add detail such as NWI Wetlands Mapping, Flood Plain, Aquifer Protection District. All details including tax card are available via this system.

April 12, 2018 Site Walk Agenda.pdf

10:00 AM site walk 140 Harbor Road, Tax Map 9.2, Lot 17

Minutes not available at publication time

April 16, 2018 Site Walk Site Walk 4-16-18.pdf

  1. 4:00 PM Site Walk at 15 Richard Road, Tax Map 5.2, Lot 171
  2. 4:30 PM Site Walk at 14 Fairhill Ave, Tax Map 20.2, Lot 144
  3. 5:15 PM Site Walk at Outdoor Pride, 261 Central Road , Tax Map 8, Lot 10

April 18, 2018 Site Walk Agenda – Site Walk.pdf

Minutes not available at publication time