Opinion Pieces

Opinion on Parsonage Apartments and RCD Units

 OPINION OF RESIDENT: The Parsonage Apartments lease with The Housing Partnership  (THP) dates back to 1999 and is expiring in 2019.  In 2010, the Town adopted a workforce housing zoning ordinance to comply with the requirements of RSA 674:59.  The charge from the Board of Selectmen to the Committee addressed the need for both “affordable […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Notes of Parson’s Creek Pollution Report to BOS 11-28-16

Parsons Creek Restoration Committee Report and Recommendations Presented to Board of Selectmen November 28, 2016 For online streaming of the presentation to the Selectmen click here Presentation starts at 24:30 elapsed, 7:04PM Highlights Data at sampling points is highly variable over time. It is difficult to conclude source and type of bacteria There were no […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

School Board Meeting November 16, 2016 RCL Notes

There was a fair amount of public comment. – RJH voted to include reduced time for the Librarian and Music Teacher – School board would not give a parent of 7th Grader who goes to a Private School participate in the Project Safeguard presentation – PHS discussing early start time and eliminating Honors classes for […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Board of Selectmen Notes October 12, 2016

Document for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes101216revBfinal Selectman Mills is in the hospital and was again unable to attend.  The Board of Selectmen will be able to continue functioning with the other two Selectmen, provided that they agree. More Detail Several resident comments on the proposed Town Hall RFP were made, including proposing that any extension be […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Board of Selectmen Notes October 24, 2016

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes102416revBfinal (1) Several members of the public expressed opposition to the new Jenness Beach Bathhouse proposed by the State, to be approved by the Executive Council on Wednesday, October 26. More Detail The CIP Plan includes five major projects totaling $11.725 million.  However, the maturing of a School bond and one […]

School Board Town Meetings

RCL Notes of the October 19, 2016 School Board meeting

RYE NH SCHOOL BD. MEETING AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 10-19-16 Notes provided by the Rye Civic League Time stamps of videotaped items of interest (MMM:SS, video available at https://vimeo.com/188325187) 000:00 Present Chair (M)arion, (B)randon, (H)onda absent Hillman, Moynahan. Visitors Crawford and Tsetsilas. 001:00 (M) refers to an issue this month involving delay in providing draft […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Wetlands & Surface Waters Subcommittee Summary Fall 2016

Rye Civic League Notes Wetlands and Surface Waters  ‘Conservation Overlay District Subcommittee  of the Planning Board Rules and Regulations Committee  The sub committee met 6 times between August and October. Subcommittee official minutes can be found here Subcommittee meetings live video streaming can be found here (Select Type and Planning Board) The subcommittee’s charge/tasks as […]

Other Town Events Town Events

RCL Notes on Cancer & Coakly Task force

Fact Sheet from Rep. Mindi Messiner:  final COAKLEY LANDFILL FACT SHEET DW RCL Notes Governor’s Task Force Pediatric Cancer Cluster Coakley Landfill Subcommittee Video Recording of October 13  meeting here Video Recording of October 20 meeting here Video Recording of Oct 26 meeting here NHDES and EPA Presentation 10/20 meeting here US Geological Survey Presentation […]