Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL July 11, 2016 BOS Meeting notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes071116revB 1. The Police and Public Works Departments were commended for arranging for removal of the whale from Foss Beach with the cost to be paid by the State.  More Detail 2. An unmerger request on Big Rock Rd. was denied after lengthy legal arguments regarding whether a denied variance application […]

Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL Notes of July 21, 2016 Conservation Meeting

RCL Notes of the Conservation Commission July 21, 2016 1.     Wetland application for a generator, Hazel Hughes, 100 Lock Road. Ron Cote presented on behalf of the applicant, Hazel Hughes, to install a standard generator 66 feet away from the Marsh. There was some confusion about the application process, namely that he was told that […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes of June 27, 2106 Board of Selectmen’s meeting

:  “In response to a resident inquiry, Selectman Jenness provided information regarding a proposed 21 lot subdivision that would use land that she and her sister own onSouth Rd., plus three adjacent parcels currently under separate ownership.  She justified the current assessment of their 38 acre portion at approximately $60,000 based on their parcel having […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

Master Plan May 12th public comments from the meeting minutes.

Julie LaBranche, Rockingham Planning Commission, reviewed the Master Plan updates with the Board. She stated that a public forum was held on May 12th. There were about thirty people who attended the forum with about five tables and a facilitator at each table. The task was to respond to the draft of the Coastal Hazard […]

Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL Notes of the Conservation Commission June 16, 2016

RCL Notes, Conservation Commission, Meeting Thursday, June 16, 2016 WETLANDS: 1.     Odiorne Drive Condominiums, David Pelletier, 22 and 26 Odiorne Drive, Tax Map 17.3 Lots 11-3 and 11-4 Altus Engineering, Eric Weinrub, P.E. Project #4775 “The applicants are proposing to replace the existing single family detached condominium with a new condominium residence in a slightly […]

Commission Mtgs

Mosquito Commission Posters and notes

BugThemPoster WantedNotPoster TickedOffPoster Last night meeting of the bug commission, we discussed distribution of the posters, I’ve enclosed PDFs below please use as you see fit. I feel they are both fun and informative. We had a rep from Swamp Inc.  the CEO we discussed larvae sitings etc.  and his company is on track with […]

Other Town Events Town Events

Jenness Beach Lighting Social Wed. July 13th 9:00 pm

Wednesday July 13th at Jenness Beach 9 pm Street Light FAQ Come have a late dessert with the Jenness Beach Streetlight Committee and view the two newly installed sample LED streetlights to be installed throughout the Jenness Beach District next year. Ask questions and give us your comments. See Nextdoor, the Jenness Beach page on […]

Town Meetings

RCL Notes on Rye Water District May 4, 2016 meeting

Video: Detailed summary 11:25 elapsed:  Chris Bird (sp?) of Wright Pierce states that, despite seven bid packages having been sent out, there was only one bid presented for the Parsons Road water main project.  The bid was $254,000 compared to a budget of $189,000.  He suggested possible reductions in scope to remain within the […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL May 23, 2016 Board of Selectmen Notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes052316revBfinal Text of letter from Joe Tucker is below: Eversource has been cutting trees on private property along Washington Rd. based on a “verbal signature.â€Â  The Selectmen and residents expressed concern that Eversource is not fully informing the residents of their options.  Tree cutting in the Town right-of-way will not occur […]