Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL Conservation Commission January 20, 2016 notes

RCL Generated Notes: 1.  Steve Riker, Ambit Engineering, for the applicant David Kohlase, 335 Washington Road, stated that he had been before the board in November.   He was now joined by the property owner, David Kohlase, who received a letter of violation from both the building inspector, Peter Rowell, and DES, in regards to his […]


RCL 2016 Town Election Support

RCL Warrant Article Information One page on each article:  RCL 2016 Warrant Articles Post Deliberative Meeting 2016 Warrant Article Table:  Short descriptions of each warrant article:  2016 RCL Warrant Article Table Candidate Bio’s:  RCL Town 2016 Candidates’ Bio   Video of Candidates Night:  Click Here My Voting Notes form the BOS News Letter:  My Voting Notes […]

Committee Mtgs Town Hall Committee

Town Hall Committee December 8, 2015 RCL Notes

Document for the Civic News:  RyeTHCnotes120815revCfinal The scope of work for the architect under the pending warrant article was agreed to.  Cost estimates and designs are to be generated for five different options. More Information The fifth option, which would involve spending approximately $500,000 to acquire the parcel just north of the Public Safety Building, […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

December 28, 2015 BOS Meeting RCL Notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes122815revBfinal A letter from the Heritage Commission states that the reference to demolition in a proposed warrant article on Town Hall would make obtaining Seven to Save grant funds extremely difficult.  Selectman Musselman disagreed, and would not modify the warrant article wording.  More Information An $80,000 warrant article to study community […]

Committee Mtgs Town Hall Committee

Town Hall Committee December 2, 2015 RCL Notes

File for Civic League.  RyeTHCnotes120215revB 1.     A resident asserted that the Committee has been wasting its time as the parameters of square footage and cost have not been agreed to. More Information 2.     The Committee voted to advance five options to the next stage.  The Selectmen will draft a warrant article to ask the town for funds to […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

Rules & Regulation Dec. 15, 2015 RCL Notes

Summary of meeting: Member present: Planning Board members, Keriann Roman and Bill Epperson as well as Planning and Zoning administrator, Kim Reed, and Building inspector, Peter Rowell. Keriann Roman, Chair of the Rules and Regulations Committee, opened the meeting by stating that it was an extra meeting for the public to voice their concerns and […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

Planning Board, Dec. 22, 2015 RCL Notes

Click Here: Link to Agenda: Click Here: Link to Town Video Streaming: Members of the Planning Board present: Bill Epperson, Chairman; Phil Winslow, Vice-Chairman;  Priscilla Jenness, Selectmen’s Rep: Melvin Low: Jeffrey Quinn, Alternate: Anne Crotty Alternate: JM Lord Absent: Jerry Gittlein; Keriann Roman; Tom McCormick, Clerk The meeting  agenda consisted of: 1. A Public Hearing for a […]

Discussion topics Rye Civic News

RCL Discussion: Is the Planning Department and Boards Communicating Effectively?

For the South Road Development, the RCL asked that documentation be put online and at the Library so people could review before the Public Hearing.  The Planning Administrator’s response was that people could go to Town Hall M-F 8am to 5pm.  She also said for Zoning Amendments they could read the information in the glass […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL December 14, 2015 BOS meeting notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes121415revDfinal RCL Town Hall Information presentation:  Click Here The report of the Town Hall Committee recommending that five options be further pursued to arrive at cost estimates generated vigorous discussion about (a) the willingness of the Town to fund additional study after the expenditure of $350,000 on Town Hall and (b) […]

Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL Notes of December 17th Conservation Commission Meeting

1.      0 Wentworth Road, Lot 24, Map 68.  Wetland applications for a driveway with wetland crossing and surface alteration in wetlands buffer.  Notes summarizing Conservation Commission meeting and recent history about application: The applicant, Steven Binnie, for property owned by Edmund J. Mulcahy, has filed for a three-lot subdivision and a lot line adjustment with […]