Town Meetings Zoning Board of Adjustment

RCL ZBA March 4, 2015 Notes with time stamps

March 4, 2015 Meeting of Zoning Board of Adjustment 7 pm Town Hall. Members: Chair Ray Jarvis RJ, Vice Chair Paul Goldman PG, Clerk Burt Dibble BD, Shawn Crapo SC and Pat Weathersby PW. Time is indicative of minutes into video tape. 1:00 Call to order, pledge, introductions. 2:06 1/21/15 minutes 7:07 Motion to approve […]


RCL Candidates Night March 2nd

Candidates Night Video Click Here The video starts at 7:01:31 p.m. Bios provided by uncontested candidates: RCL 2015 Un-contested Candidates Introduction, ground rules, brief statements of non-opposed candidates (0:00 elapsed) Library Trustee:  Karen Oliver, Philip Boynton, Garry Layman (6:07 elapsed) Bio provided by candidates: RCL 2015 Library Candidates Budget Committee:  Ray Jarvis, Doug Abrams (absent), Mae Bradshaw […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Feb 10, 2015 Planning Board Notes

File for Civic News: RyePlngBoardNotes021515revCfinal 1. Lot line adjustment for School District purchase of land adjacent to Junior High continued to March meeting. More Detail 2. Wentworth-by-the-sea Country Club gets approval for lot line adjustment to allow 32,000 sq. ft. purchase of adjacent land. More Detail 3. Rye Farm (561 South Rd., D.D. Cook) continued as agreement in principle […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes BOS Meeting February 23, 2015

File for Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes022315revCfinal Comcast representative attempts to explain why rates have been increasing so quickly.  Selectmen indicate that many elderly residents on fixed incomes may be unable to decipher the complex schedule of rates to find the $24.60 per month minimum service. More Detail Town is looking for the oldest Rye resident to receive […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL January 12, 2015 BOS Meeting Notes

File for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes011215revBfinal 1.                            A hearing was held on the Heisey lot unmerger request involving two parcels on Harbor Rd.  No decision was reached.  The discussion focused on whether or not the lots had separate septic systems. More Detail 2.                            The final report on the Beach Parking Study was presented.  Discussion focused […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL January 26, 2015 BOS Meeting notes

For the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes012615revC 1.                            Rockingham County indicates a projected tax rate increase of 1.9 percent.  There was discussion of consolidation with the Fire Department and whether that would necessitate going away from County dispatching for Fire.  More detail 2.                            The mosquito control contract was awarded to Swamp, the low bidder.  No marsh restoration […]

Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL January 15, 2015 Town Budget Public Hearing

File for the Civic News: RyeBudgetCteeNotes011515revBfinal Increase to Town Clerk/Tax Collector budget for third full-time employee was unanimously recommended. More Detail Addition of $25,000 to the capital outlay budget to permit Route 1A parking space striping was recommended 7-1. More Detail Town Hall project for $4.1 million was unanimously recommended. More Detail Firefighters union contract was […]

Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL January 14, 2015 School Budget Public Hearing notes

Details for Civic News: RyeBudgetCteeNotes011415revBfinal 1. Agreement has been reached with the teachers union. Improvements on health care costs, but wages went up 2.4 to 3.5 percent. More Detail 2.  A $10,000 warrant article to provide funds for a deposit on land behind the Junior High School was approved unanimously.   The plan is to finance the acquisition […]


RCL January 31, 2015 Deliberative and School Deliberative Feb. 4th – Videos

Videos and Notes of the Town are all posted now and School Deliberative Sessions (Feb. 4  will be posted here as they become available over the next few days).  TOWN Deliberative Meeting Videos and RCL Notes w/ Time stamps: Town Meeting minutes:  Click Here Section 1 Video Articles 1 to 15:  Click Here RCL Meeting […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Planning Board notes January 13, 2015

Planning Board – Jan 13, 2015 – taken from town web site posted minutes Because meeting was moved from Jr High back to town hall, Pl Bd forgot to film it In attendance: Chari Epperson, V.C. Winslow, members Tweedie, Low, Gittlein, BOS rep. Jenness, alternate Quinn seated for regular member Roman. Brief Summary: 1. 561 […]