1. Â The motion requesting that the SAU 50 office explain the $75,464 increase in the teacher retirement budget between 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 carried unanimously (3:05 elapsed). 2. Â Changes to the town operating budget were made to accommodate painting of the Town Hall, installation of a retaining wall and an historic review (22:40 elapsed). 3. Â The […]
Town Meetings
Town Meetings held by elected officials
RCL Notes School Budget Public Hearing
1. There will be no warrant article for a new collective bargaining agreement with the support workers (RESPA). Negotiations are at an impasse (3:08 elapsed). 2. The Budget Committee approved a $23,764 reduction to their recommended budget, as suggested by the SAU Assistant Business Manager, due to a reduction in the SAU 50 budget (12:54 […]
RCL Notes of BOS Bond Hearing January 16, 2018
More detailed summary for separate document: 1. There were public hearings on five bond articles for 2018. Interest rates are currently 2.14% to 2.5%. Ten year term is planned, except for Storm Water Management (2:26 elapsed). a. Salt shed $620,000 (total $700,000, $80,000 from reserve) (2:26 elapsed) b. Red Mill Ln. Culvert ($250,000) (4:55 elapsed) […]
RCL Selectmen Meeting Notes January 22, 2018
File for Civic News:   lRyeBOSrclNotes012218revBfinal Much of the meeting was devoted to public comment on a proposed leash law. The Selectmen decided not to propose one at Town Meeting this year. The matter will nevertheless be discussed at the Deliberative Session as there is a petitioned warrant article on the subject. There were 7 […]
RCL Board of Selectmen notes January 8, 2018
File for Civic News:Â Â RyeBOSrclNotes010818revBfinal Library Trustee’s letter:Â Â LibraryBudgetLetter to BOS 112117 Selectman Musselman announced that he would not be running for reelection. A four year contract with Town Administrator Magnant was agreed to. The Police Chief is again pushing for a leash law. The Selectmen will have the Town Attorney look into a draft article. Selectman […]
RCL Notes of Board of Selectmen December 26, 2017
File for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes122617revBfinal The Town will pay the 421 South Rd. developer $400,000 to reduce the planned development from 17 house lots to 13 and settle the lawsuit arising out of the denial of the application by the Planning Board. More Detail The Selectmen voted to authorize the prepayment of taxes. More Detail […]
RCL Notes of Board of Selectmen December 11, 2017
File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes121117revCfinal Consideration of the Library Budget was tabled for a fourth time. More Detail The final design for the new $700,000 Salt Shed was approved, as was a bond article for this amount. Bids are due January 18, 2018 and will likely be lower than this, according to one Selectman. More Detail […]
2018 School Budget Information & Dec. 13, 2018 Budget Committee Sumarry
Budget Summary 13 Dec 2017 below: Rye budget committee presentation Dec 13 Rye FY18-19 Proposed Budget Draft FY19 Rye Propsoed Budget Draft master (1) 1. SAU50 Assistant Business Administrator Amy Ransom presented the proposed operating budget for 2018-2019 of $14,023,994, up from $13,893,451 in 2017-2018 and $13,092,108 in 2016-2017. The proposed budget reflects a reduction […]
RCL Notes of November 16, 2017 Budget Committee meeting
RyeBudgetCteeNotes111617revCfinal Memo to Budget Chair:  MemoReBCmbrship111517 1.     Shawn Crapo was seated and permitted to vote over the objection of one member who had provided a six page memorandum on why that would be unlawful. It argued that the statute requires village district representatives to the Budget Committee to be appointed by their respective boards, and that Mr. […]
Wetlands & Surface Water Committee October 2017 Details
October Meeting Information Recorded Video: October 11th:  Click Here  Oct 25th:  Click Here Draft Town Meeting minutes: October 11th  Click Here  Oct. 25th: Not available  1. The committee is examining per the building inspector’s request  how to potentially incorporate elements of the NH Shoreland Water Protection Act SWPA (2008) and specifically how its Section 483-B:9 Minimum Shoreland […]