File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes122815revBfinal A letter from the Heritage Commission states that the reference to demolition in a proposed warrant article on Town Hall would make obtaining Seven to Save grant funds extremely difficult. Selectman Musselman disagreed, and would not modify the warrant article wording. More Information An $80,000 warrant article to study community […]
Board of Selectmen
Board of Selectmen Meetings (any type of posted meeting)
RCL December 14, 2015 BOS meeting notes
File for Civic News: Â RyeBOSrclNotes121415revDfinal RCL Town Hall Information presentation: Â Click Here The report of the Town Hall Committee recommending that five options be further pursued to arrive at cost estimates generated vigorous discussion about (a) the willingness of the Town to fund additional study after the expenditure of $350,000 on Town Hall and (b) […]
RCL Note November 23, 2015 BOS Meeting
File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes112315revBfinal A septic tank pump out ordinance is being considered for parcels located in the Parsons’ Creek Watershed. More Detail MRI was awarded a three year assessing contract. This will be the fourth Town Assessor since 2010. More Detail The Selectmen approved $800,000 in warrant articles, including $275,000 to replace an […]
RCL November 9, 2015 BOS Notes
File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes110915revBfinal It was agreed that a warrant article would be prepared leading to possible sale of the Parsonage Apartments for one dollar to the Housing Partnership. More Detail The Selectmen requested more information on a proposal to dredge Sagamore Creek and deposit the sand off of Wallis Sands beach. More Detail […]
RCL notes on BOS Tax Rate meeting
Tax-rate table .xls:  TaxRateSet111715revB Summary from the December Civic News: 1. A combination of factors helped reduce the 2015 tax rate:   a) Public Safety building and conservation bonds are paid off, reducing total appropriations as the cost of government services continued to rise.   b) Of the $823,141 surplus, $400K was applied to reduce taxes while […]
October 26, 2015 BOS Meeting notes
File for Civic News:   RyeBOSrclNotes102615revBfinal Selectman Jenness related her experience at the recent Rising Tides Conference, and pushed for more action and citizen involvement. More Detail Initial proposal for Fire Department consolidation with Portsmouth was presented. Discussions will continue. More Detail Parsons Creek Watershed bacteria contamination source investigation has been inconclusive thus far, but […]
October 14, 2015 BOS Meeting notes
File for the Civic news:  RyeBOSrclNotes101415revBfinal The Capital Improvement Program Committee presented the CIP Plan for 2016-2021, which included recommendations to spread out a number of capital expenditures to prevent debt service from reaching an all-time high in 2017. More Detail  The five surplus vehicles, including three police cruisers and two dump trucks, that have […]
RCL Notes September 28, 2015 BOS Meeting
Minutes for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes092815revBfinal Two new firefighter/paramedics were sworn in.  More Detail The Housing Partnership asked the Town to give them the Parsonage Apartments, assessed at over $1 million, so that they can raise money to renovate them. They would be unwilling to continue with the existing arrangement, which expires in 2019. More […]
RCL BOS Sept 14, 2015 meeting notes
RCL Notes for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes091415revBfinal Selectmen approve 2 percent pay increase for budget, despite inflation of .2 percent, as contracts have a 2 percent floor. More Detail Mosquito problems near Parsons Rd. will be looked into. Contractor asserts mosquitoes are way down in part due to few high tides flooding the marshes in […]
RCL August 26, 2015 BOS Meeting Notes
File for Civic News: Â RyeBOSrclNotes082615revBfinal Lifeguard staffing of Town beaches ended August 23 due to school year starting. More Detail Grant for $121,000 to be applied towards the former Rand Lumber property purchase was accepted. If a second grant comes in, taxpayers will end up paying approximately $1 million of the $1.25 million purchase price. […]