
November 2017 Tax Rate Information

2018 Draft Budget (as December, 2017):  Town Budget December 2018 Draft

Tax Rate Explanation 2017

Tax Rate 2017 Details

TaxRateSet History

a)  Town wide thirteen (13%) increase in assessed values is why the tax rate is lower (click here for tax rate table).  Despite applying approximately $1.4 million (town and school) of prior year surplus money to keep taxes down, $1.4 more needed to be raised in taxes this year than last year.  So, even with a lower tax rate, unless your assessment increase was well below the 13% average, your tax bill went up.

Remember Rye has a low Tax Rate because we have property valued at over $2.1 billion spread across about 2300 taxable properties.  It’s math, not good management.     Editor’s Note:  If you believe we are well managed take a look at the condition of Town Hall, the Transfer Station buildings and that departments can no longer wait for longer term plans/investments but must spend money now (Salt Shed, Recreation facilities, Town Hall maintenance work…), pollution in Parson’s Creek and the PFC carcinogens in our Aquifer protection zone.

b)  Click Here for the tax abatement form.  Editors note:  Some of the information you need to argue for an abatement is not yet available, nor is any educational session planned.

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