Opinion: Frustration with lack of plastic recycling at the transfer-station/recycling center.
Frustration with lack of plastic recycling at the transfer-station/recycling center. The most common complaint we hear about our recycling center is the complaint that we are not able, as of…
RCL March 18, 2015 Demolition Committee meeting notes
Rye NH Demolition Committee Meeting March 18, 2015 Rye Civic League Time Stamps and Notes Rand Lumber Barn 2:10 Alex Herlihy speculates before lumber yard the property was a…
RCL Notes form Solid Waste District Meeting
SolidWasteDistFinlData031815 SolidWasteDistFinlStmtsFYE033114 WaterSupplyAgmtWportsmouth
RWD Article Public Hearing March 19, 2015
For the Civic News:Â RyeWaterDistSB2hearing031215revCrevisedFinal Resident points to research that he did on SB2, indicating that, once towns become larger and less cohesive, factions and groups form, and traditional town…
RCL Planning Board Meeting Notes March 17, 2015
Detailed time stamps of Planning Board meeting March 17, 2015 Planning Board members present: Bill Epperson, Jerry Gittlein, Priscilla Jenness, Tom McCormack, Ann Crotty, Kerriann Roman, Jeff Quinn, Phil Winslow…
RCL ZBA March 4, 2015 Notes with time stamps
March 4, 2015 Meeting of Zoning Board of Adjustment 7 pm Town Hall. Members: Chair Ray Jarvis RJ, Vice Chair Paul Goldman PG, Clerk Burt Dibble BD, Shawn Crapo SC…
RCL Candidates Night March 2nd
Candidates Night Video Click Here The video starts at 7:01:31 p.m. Bios provided by uncontested candidates:Â RCL 2015 Un-contested Candidates Introduction, ground rules, brief statements of non-opposed candidates (0:00 elapsed) Library…
RCL Feb 10, 2015 Planning Board Notes
File for Civic News: RyePlngBoardNotes021515revCfinal 1. Lot line adjustment for School District purchase of land adjacent to Junior High continued to March meeting. More Detail 2. Wentworth-by-the-sea Country Club gets approval for lot…
RCL Notes BOS Meeting February 23, 2015
File for Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes022315revCfinal Comcast representative attempts to explain why rates have been increasing so quickly. Selectmen indicate that many elderly residents on fixed incomes may be unable to decipher…
RCL January 12, 2015 BOS Meeting Notes
File for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes011215revBfinal 1.                           A hearing was held on the Heisey lot unmerger request involving two parcels on Harbor Rd. No decision was reached. The discussion focused…
RCL January 26, 2015 BOS Meeting notes
For the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes012615revC 1.                           Rockingham County indicates a projected tax rate increase of 1.9 percent. There was discussion of consolidation with the Fire Department and whether that would…
RCL January 15, 2015 Town Budget Public Hearing
File for the Civic News:Â RyeBudgetCteeNotes011515revBfinal Increase to Town Clerk/Tax Collector budget for third full-time employee was unanimously recommended. More Detail Addition of $25,000 to the capital outlay budget to permit…