Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL July 29, 2014 Planning Board TRC notes

NOTES OF JULY 29, 2014 RYE TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING Final Revision C – Provided by the Rye Civic League Summary Demolition of existing commercial building at 243 Central Rd. and replacement with new two story 3500 sq. ft. building discussed.  The need for a use intensity statement and drainage study are discussed. Addition of […]

Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL July 30, 204 Budget Meeting notes

File for Civic News: RyeBudgetCteeNotes073014revBfinal 1. The School District reported a cumulative surplus of approximately $411,000 at the end of the latest fiscal year in June.  Most of this is being retained to avoid the appearance of a spike in the 2015-2016 tax rate.  This year’s tax rate should be flat, nevertheless.  More Detail 2. High […]

Commission Mtgs

RCL Rye Farm Conservation Commission Site Walk Notes July 30, 2014

Site Walk notes for Civic News:  ConComsitewalkRyeFarm073014revCfinal PDF version to print:  ConComsitewalkRyeFarm073014revCfinal 1.  One parcel of 35 acres is proposed to be subdivided into five parcels, one containing the existing farm house, three containing single family homes and the fifth, requiring a wetlands crossing, containing either a ten unit Retirement Community Development (“RCDâ€) or another single […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL August 11, 2014 BOS meeting notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes081114revBfinal Discretionary easement to permit eight acres of land owned by James Philbrick to remain in current use is discussed following site walk.  Town Administrator is directed to confer with Town Counsel and the Town Assessor.  The matter will be discussed at a subsequent Board of Selectmen meeting.  More Detail Recreation […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

Planning Board August 12, 2014 RCL notes

1. 511 Wallis Rd- (formerRandproperty) major subdivision -  AttorneyPhoenix(02:45) – Builder O’Brien presents – changes relating to four seasons rooms, basements, porches, etc.  (15:50) – Public Hearing though it was not required (27:00) – Accept jurisdiction and approve plan for screened in porches (28:00)    2.  60 Elwyn Rd- two lot subdivision on one driveway  (32:30) […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Planning Board – August 28, 2014 Rules and Regulations notes

Members present: Keriann Roman, Chair of the Rules and Regulations and Bill Epperson, Chair of the Planning Board, member Ray Tweedie was absent. Also present, Planning and Zoning Administrator, Kim Reed. Chair Keriann Roman acknowledged receipt of documents sent by Sam Winebaum (same documents which were sent to the board in 2013 and earlier in […]

Opinion Pieces

Opinion: Recent Developments in Rye

If you live near property that could be developed, you should be concerned about what has transpired over the last year or so. Additionally, builders bring in experts.  Residents rely on the Master Plan, the Planning Board, and the Town to do what is best for the residents. Foyes Corner: -          How would you feel […]

Opinion Pieces

RCL Master Plan Overview

One key question is:  What are the resources required to maintain the Master Plan the right way? The town needs to first agree on what the right way is for Rye.   How the 2013 updates were made, communicated and the involvement of the public leave much room for improvement. Examples from 2013: – The […]