Commission Mtgs

RCL Conservation Commission August 21st Meeting Notes

1. 234 Central Road Dan Philbrick,243 Central Rd, rep by Eric Weiner 00:35 – redevelop and improve property (demo skin salon building) ; wet lands issues with parking discussed, etc.  site walk scheduled 11:09 – Dan Philbrick gives history of property;  has purchase and sales agreement with gas station owner ( his father built it in […]


Rye Climate Change August 27, 2014 Notes and Documents

Overview Document:  Rye, County and State Climate Change Initiatives Overview 21 Actions for an Individual:   Climate Change 21 Things You Can Do 28 Actions for a Municipality:  Climate Change 28 actions for Municipalities Overview of Vulnerability Assessment:   Vulnerability Assessment Overview Risk Assessment:  Tides and Storms Risk Assessments NH Climate Change Past & Future:   NH Climate […]

Committee Mtgs Town Hall Committee

Town Hall Committee RCL Notes 29 July 2014

File for Civic News:  TownHallCteeMtg072914revBfinal 1.     Paul Goldman was elected Chairman and Lucy Neiman Vice Chairman following the resignation of Victor Azzi as Chairman.  More Detail 2.     SMP Architecture presented an option for a rectangular building, which together with the existing building, would provide 12,595 sq. ft.  The Committee decided to pursue this option, with […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

Planning Board: Negated Rules of Procedure

RCL memo:  RCL ROP Letter 7-28-14 RCL Table: RCL P.B. ROP content comparison 24 July 2014 What RCL found in Public Documents:  ROP discussion in PB Meeting Notes 2009 Rules of Procedure:  PB_Rules_of_Procedure 2009  These are what were posted on the Town Website until July 0f 2014, they have now been removed. Negated Rules of Procedures: […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL July 28, 2015 BOS meeting notes

File for Civic News Links:  RyeBOSrclNotes072814 1.     Site walk scheduled to review discretionary easement for James Philbrick.  More Detail 2.     Jessica Downing sworn in as firefighter/paramedic providing 24/7 coverage.  More Detail 3.     Paving contract awarded.  The rest of Washington Rd. and parts of Central Rd. and Brackett Rd. will be paved.  Paving at the Parsonage […]

Town Meetings Zoning Board of Adjustment

RCL ZBA July 23, 2014 meeting notes with time stamps

Rye Zoning Board of Adjustment July 23rd 2014 Meeting At minute 1 of tape the Pledge of Allegiance Under God At minute six Petralia , 25 Appledore to remove/build new Building and 8’ left side setback. At minute 59 Dibble moves to approve- approved. At 1 hour 1 minute White at 26 Odiorne Dr. At […]

Town Meetings Zoning Board of Adjustment

RCL ZBA July 2, 2014 notes and time stamps

Rye Zoning Bd of Appeal July 2nd 2014 Meeting Tape starts at 7:00 in the middle of  Lincoln, 250 Locke.  Chair Jarvis, VC Goldman, clerk Dibble Members Weathersby, Crapo, alternante Hoyt. Weathersby moves, Crapo 2nds to allow building 11’ from Wetlands and septic 40’ from wetlands. At tape minute 40 Applicant Mack, 1064 Washington Rd. […]

Beach Commission Commission Mtgs

RCL July 1, 2014 Beach Committee Notes

NOTES OF JULY 1 RYE BEACH COMMITTEE MEETING Provided by the Rye Civic League   Present:  Members Lori Carbajal, Larry Rocha, Steve Hillman, Keper Connell.  Not present:  Colin Drake. Also present:  Police Chief Kevin Walsh Persons present from the public included:  Joe Cummins, Pat Spalding   6:13 p.m. Start of meeting 6:14 p.m. Four meetings […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL July 14, 2014 BOS Meeting Notes

File for Civic News:  RCL 7-14-14 BOS Meeting Notes 1. Records retention policy approved.  It appears that documents have been retained for longer than necessary and that there will be a lot of shredding in the first year. More Detail 2. Decision on permit for yoga on the beach deferred as applicant has State permit in […]

Commission Mtgs

RCL July 17th Conservation Commission meeting notes

Time stamps noted for different items and highlights within items 0:00 elapsed.  Meeting called to order.  Minutes approved.  Re-vote on prohibition against target shooting at the last meeting as Charlie Raynes voted and he was not a member.  All in favor on revote. 2:26 elapsed.  Members introduce themselves and public hearing on the 11 acre […]