Town Meetings

RCL Rye Water District April 1, 2015 meeting notes

1.  General discussion and review and revision of March minutes (0:00 elapsed) 2.  Former Commissioner John Murtagh arrives.  No water main breaks on Ocean Blvd. over the winter.  One on Harbor Rd.  The State is going after the bond of Hugo Key, contractor for the water main project, due to some sort of issue. (1:28:02 […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL April 27, 2015 BOS Meeting Notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes042715revBfinal Resident request for striping of parking spaces along Ocean Blvd. will not be accommodated this year, although a site walk to look at striping of driveways, crosswalks and intersections will be conducted on April 29.  More Detail Comcast franchise agreement renewal will continue the terms of the prior contract, using […]

Town Meetings Zoning Board of Adjustment

RCL ZBA April 1, 2015 notes and time stamps

Rye NH Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting April 1 2015 (timestamp of streaming video on town website) Preliminaries: 00:00:00 Pledge of Allegiance 00:01:26 Intro Ray Jarvis (RJ) Chair, Paul Goldman (PG) vice-Chair, Burt Dibble (BD) Clerk, Shawn Crapo (SC), Patty Weathersby (PW). Per state law reorganized. BD nominates  PW as Chair and PG as vice-Chair, […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes of April 13, 2015 BOS Meeting

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes041315revBfinal Summer Sessions beach permit tabled for two weeks after e-mail from resident expresses concern about possible activities last year beyond the scope of the permit. More Detail Public Safety Building Energy audit reveals shortcomings in the construction and configuration leading to energy waste.  More Detail Winter-related costs will be $45,000 […]

Town Meetings

Jenness Beach Village District Annual Meeting 2015 RCL Notes

File for the Civic News: JBVDannualMtg041115revCfinal Budget of $100,050 and all other articles approved.  Several officers elected in uncontested races. More Detail Discussion of beach and sign issues. More Detail Rye Energy Committee member Michele Sopher gave a presentation pointing out a $9000 annual savings from the conversion of 69 streetlights to LEDs.  A committee was […]

Beach Commission Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

BOS Beach Issues work meeting April 9, 2015

File for Civic news:  RyeBOSrclNotes040915beachWorkSessrevBfinal Police Chief Walsh presented a detailed analysis of parking along Route 1A indicating that there are 51 driveways that may need to be “boxed.â€Â  A final decision will be made after a site walk.  More Detail The 2015 budget is insufficient to stripe parking spaces along Route 1A.  More Detail […]

Elections Town Meetings

Information on Rye Districts

Rye Districts: 1  Independent powers to levy taxes. 2.  Own officers, budgets and warrant articles. 3.  Governed through annual old-style town meetings.  All registered voters  in areas taxed by district may vote, regardless of services received. 4.  Services may include water, fire hydrants, street lights, sidewalks and trees, depending on district. Rye GIS of Jenness Beach Village District […]

Town Meetings

RCL notes for Rye Water District meeting March 28t

Video: 1.  Budget and all warrant articles passed. 2.  Warrant article to permit Rye Water District to supply water for 10 homes in Greenland passed.  A resident raised concerns about the negative financial impact to the District because Portsmouth would be providing the mains and making a significant profit on the water supplied by […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL BOS Meeting Notes March 23, 2015

For the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes032315revBfinal Board of Selectmen Meeting March 23rd: March 9th meeting was canceled. 1. The recount results for the Budget Committee race were announced.  Ray Jarvis and Doug Abrams still received the most votes and were elected.  More Detail 2. The Beach Committee was reappointed for another year, despite an assertion by Selectman Musselman that […]