Other Town Events Town Events

Town Memorial Day Celegration 2015

2015 Rye Memorial Day Ceremony and Parade On Monday, May 25, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. the Town of Rye will conduct a Memorial Day Ceremony at Central Cemetery.  The Ceremony will begin with a parade from the Veterans Monument ending on the green at Central Cemetery.  Participating in the parade will be New Hampshire Police Association Pipes […]

Elections Town Meetings

Information on Rye Districts

Rye Districts: 1  Independent powers to levy taxes. 2.  Own officers, budgets and warrant articles. 3.  Governed through annual old-style town meetings.  All registered voters  in areas taxed by district may vote, regardless of services received. 4.  Services may include water, fire hydrants, street lights, sidewalks and trees, depending on district. Rye GIS of Jenness Beach Village District […]

Town Meetings

RCL notes for Rye Water District meeting March 28t

Video:  https://vimeo.com/123511032 1.  Budget and all warrant articles passed. 2.  Warrant article to permit Rye Water District to supply water for 10 homes in Greenland passed.  A resident raised concerns about the negative financial impact to the District because Portsmouth would be providing the mains and making a significant profit on the water supplied by […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL BOS Meeting Notes March 23, 2015

For the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes032315revBfinal Board of Selectmen Meeting March 23rd: March 9th meeting was canceled. 1. The recount results for the Budget Committee race were announced.  Ray Jarvis and Doug Abrams still received the most votes and were elected.  More Detail 2. The Beach Committee was reappointed for another year, despite an assertion by Selectman Musselman that […]

Opinion Pieces

Opinion: Frustration with lack of plastic recycling at the transfer-station/recycling center.

Frustration with lack of plastic recycling at the transfer-station/recycling center. The most common complaint we hear about our recycling center is the complaint that we are not able, as of yet, to recycle as much at our center as some other towns –primarily the #3-7 “other†(especially #5) (along with the misc. #1 egg cartons […]

Demolition Commission

RCL March 18, 2015 Demolition Committee meeting notes

Rye NH Demolition Committee Meeting March 18, 2015 Rye Civic League Time Stamps and Notes   Rand Lumber Barn 2:10 Alex Herlihy speculates before lumber yard the property was a farmstead and barn may predate 1910 founding of the lumber yard. 4:30 Brian Murphy who lives across the road asks to speak. Has looked through […]


RWD Article Public Hearing March 19, 2015

For the Civic News: RyeWaterDistSB2hearing031215revCrevisedFinal   Resident points to research that he did on SB2, indicating that, once towns become larger and less cohesive, factions and groups form, and traditional town meetings become less effective.  More Detail Another resident points out the planned $5.5 million water treatment plant in 2017 and expresses concern that such a […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Planning Board Meeting Notes March 17, 2015

Detailed time stamps of Planning Board meeting March 17, 2015 Planning Board members present: Bill Epperson, Jerry Gittlein, Priscilla Jenness, Tom McCormack, Ann Crotty, Kerriann Roman, Jeff Quinn, Phil Winslow 1. Rye Junior High School, 501 Washington Road – relocation of boundary lines for acquiring adjacent land for outdoor curriculum purposes Case # 03-2015 2:55 […]