November 2014 Tax table
Town Meetings
Town Meetings held by elected officials
BOS Meeting Notes November 10, 2014
Document for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes111014revBfinal The Town tax rate for 2014 has been set at $3.68, compared to $3.12 in 2014, an increase of nearly 18 percent. The overall tax rate (exclusive of districts) is up from $10.97 to $11.55, nearly all of which is due to the Town tax rate increase. More Detail Town […]
Solid Waste Contract Meeting November 12, 2014
Solid Waste District Meeting 1. Â Representatives of Kensington, Rye, North Hampton, Hampton, Brentwood, Fremont and Hampton Falls voted to allow New Castle and Hampton Falls to leave the District (32:12 elapsed) 2. Â Craig Musselman of CMA Engineers, representing the District as District Engineer, explained new agreements that had been negotiated with Waste Management and Covanta […]
RCL ZBA Notes November 5, 2014
NOTES OF NOVEMBER 5, 2014 RYE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by theRyeCivic League Present from the ZBA (clockwise around table): Clerk Burt Dibble, Shawn Crapo, Vice Chairman Paul Goldman, Patty Weathersby, Chairman Ray Jarvis Also present: Planning Administrator Kim Reed. Editor’s note: For ease in finding particular sections using […]
RCL Notes of SAU50 Sept 24, 2014 meeting
Final Revision B – Provided by theRyeCivic League Editor’s note: For ease in finding particular sections using the archived video and audio on Vimeo, the elapsed time is indicated in minutes and seconds. Use the slider and the elapsed time indicated at the bottom of the video window to fast forward to the desired section. […]
BOS Budget Workshop all day meeting
RCL Table showing all discussions and time stamps: Â BOS102314budgetSess This is an .xls file that needs to be opened. Â If you have trouble try the pdf file: Â BOS102314budgetSess Rye NH Board of Selectmen all-day Budget Session (times from video on Town website) Account Description Dept. Req. BOS approval Elapsed Time Video start 0:00 8:56:36 […]
ZBA RCL Meeting Notes Oct 1, 2014
NOTES OF OCTOBER 1, 2014 RYE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by theRyeCivic League Present from the ZBA (clockwise around table): Clerk Burt Dibble, Shawn Crapo, Chairman Ray Jarvis, Vice Chairman Paul Goldman, Patty Weathersby. Also present: Planning Administrator Kim Reed. Editor’s note: For ease in finding particular sections using […]
RCL Planning Board Meeting Notes October 14, 2014
NOTES OF OCTOBER 14, 2014 RYE PLANNING BOARD MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by theRyeCivic League Present and seated counterclockwise around the table (Regular Planning Board members except as noted): Alternate Ann Crotty, Jerry Gittlein, Ray Tweedie, Phil Winslow, Town Counsel Michael Donovan, Bill Epperson, Planning Administrator Kim Reed, Mel Low, Alternate Jeff Quinn, […]
Rye Farm (561 South Rd) Site Walk RCL Notes
RCL Notes:Â RyePlngBoardNotes091514siteWalkRyeFarmRevCfinal 1. Â Rye Water District representatives showed the wellheads located 1000 feet away, but developer Don Cook asserts that, in the absence of a Retirement Community Development (RCD) (which might be applied for later) the distance would be twice that. 2. Â The subdivision would consist of five lots, one with an existing house. Â The […]
RCL BOS October 27, 2014 Notes
RCL File for Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes102714revBfinal Treasurer Leon Blaisdell passed away. Jane Ireland was appointed Treasurer through the 2015 election. More Detail Health insurance rates will be down significantly next year, allowing significant budget reductions. More Detail The town-owned Parsonage Apartments needs a new roof and other improvements. The management firm, the Housing Partnership suggested that […]