Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL July 14, 2014 BOS Meeting Notes

File for Civic News:  RCL 7-14-14 BOS Meeting Notes

1. Records retention policy approved.  It appears that documents have been retained for longer than necessary and that there will be a lot of shredding in the first year. More Detail

2. Decision on permit for yoga on the beach deferred as applicant has State permit in hand for Jenness Beach. More Detail

3. Repairs to Neptune Rd. following Rye Water District water main replacement discussed.  Paving of several dirt roads in the area is deferred due to the high cost and need to repave existing paved roads first. More Detail

4. Signs will be posted near Parsons Creek warning of high bacteria levels at low tide. More Detail

5. Decision on “no parking” areas near driveways deferred pending comment from consultant performing parking assessment.  There are 29 such driveways, the policy needs to be consistent, and there is a question as to whether a 20 foot no parking area is needed, Selectman Musselman said. More Detail

6. The grant for a Ladder Truck was denied, so the town will not be using the Federal Program to fund a Ladder Truck.